While there’re infinite numbers of universe, we can only experience one reality within our own perceived real world. Any entity who can transcend boundaries into other multiverse beyond our limited knowledge, can be viewed as gods, devils, spirits, ghosts, time-travelers, aliens, something in our dreams, aswang or aswang vampires.
AUGUST 1st, 1944 The parliament decides not to remove prime minister from power. Prime minister continues his office until the end of the war, and dies in prison as war criminal. Socio-political landscape in the region shifts significantly after 1945.
DURING 1950s - 1970s
Civilian government in control since after WW2. Although shifting between hard right and moderate right but always maintain anti communist sentiment throughout. In late 1970s, national police been decentralized. Eastern Seaboard Police Department (ESPD) becomes one of five administrative departments.
YEAR 2024
Some people suffer from experiencing other versions of themselves in different realities, reportedly in various form of dreams. In some serious cases between 2023-2024, patients die from what diagnosed as Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome (SUND). Researchers at The Eastern Seaboard Medical Center propose the term Moon Zero Syndrome (MZS) when Recurring dreams so real that one can feel pain and pleasure, eventually lost any sense of reality within one ’s own universe.
a police officer in traffic division (Eastern Seaboard Police Department), temporary re-assigned to work with a detective in a national/violent crime unit
a detective in national/violent crime unit (Eastern Seaboard Police Department) working on serial murders cases.